Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648–1717), a woman of great wisdom and worship, was filled with the richness of God’s grace as she endured hardships and abuse in her married life. Blessed with children and great earthly wealth, she suffered physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually at the hands of her spiritual leaders, imprisoned unjustly for her simple yet solid faith in Christ, her Divine Confidant. Trusting in her Lord, she expressed her insights in commentaries concerning the Scriptures, seeing in them the mysteries of the holy Eucharist, the sacrificial presence of her merciful Savior. Through her intercession, we are inspired to adore the Lord, uniting our suffering to his as she did. “I warmly and heartily commend Rev. Professor Nancy James’ latest work, her translation and commentary on Jeanne Guyon’s Mystical Perfection through Eucharistic Suffering. James’ scholarly yet accessible approach to Guyon’s eucharistic spirituality should be enriching for all who seek to follow a profound Christian pathway in these complex times. Nancy James has become the key and leading expert on Guyon and her invitation to understand the Guyon spirituality better is to be greatly welcomed and appreciated.” —Paul Haffner, Duquesne University Italian Campus, Seton Hall University, and Pontifical Gregorian University |
Paperback at Amazon, or available from the Publisher, September 2020 Wipf and Stock ISBN 9781532684227